Childcare Manual Handling Course

Childcare Manual Handling Course

Next Course Dates:  Monthly

Course Duration: 4 Hours 

Venue: C1, Centre Point Business Park, Dublin 12 or at your premises.         

Childcare Manual Handling Course is designed for people working with children whether at home or at work. Most people carry out hundreds of daily movements including lifting, lowering, pulling, carrying or moving things throughout the day, this includes lifting of children. As a result of repeated lifting, we strain the back due to poor habits carried out over many months or years. People, unfortunately, don’t think about their back until they are in pain, by then the damage is done.

With our Childcare Manual Handling Training Course, our aim is to give people knowledge and understanding of how to carry out manual handling and look after their back and to know when not to lift and when to ask for help instead. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge to carry out childcare manual handling without the risk of injury.

On completion of this Childcare Manual Handling Training Course participants will be able to:
Guardian Safety Trainers:

Guardian Safety is a FETAC registered training provider and all instructors are fully qualified childcare manual handling trainers and also people/patient handling instructors, having achieved Level 6 in the National Framework of Qualifications.

Maximum Participants per Course:  12
Who Should Attend This Childcare Manual Handling Training Course:

Anyone whose work includes Manual Handling activities i.e. the handling of children that includes lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of children or loads, where those activities are likely to lead to a back injury.

Childcare Manual Handling Training Course Assessment:

Theory test, followed by a practical assessment of safe manual handling lifting.

Refresher Training & Certification Validity Period:

Refresher training is recommended at intervals not greater than 3 years.

Additional Information:

DVD and laptop/projector presentation are used. Notes on safe Childcare Manual Handling are provided for each participant.

Childcare Manual Handling Training Attendance Certification:

Guardian Safety Manual Handling Training Attendance Certificate for each attendee.

Special Instructions For This Course:

We can cater for a range of special needs and supports if required. By taking part in our course you will receive a very comprehensive manual, which is an excellent form of reference for people after they complete the course with us.

Any special needs/requirements should be identified at the time of booking.

How to book:


Phone                   01-4243013 or 085-7177021

Other Courses you may be interested in.

Manual Handling Click Here

Guardian Safety’s course gave me a really valuable understanding of childcare. I would have no hesitation to recommend the course to others.

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